End the Tech Chaos

Milagro understands the frustration of juggling multiple restaurant tools and the chaos this can create. That’s why we’ve built seamless integrations with industry-leading platforms for delivery, reservations, and customer management.

Say goodbye to fragmented data and constant chaos – Milagro brings everything together for a smoother, smarter, more efficient operation.

the tech chaos

Our Integration Partners



Supercharge your online ordering by seamlessly connecting Olo to your Milagro system. Manage online orders directly from your POS and kitchen, simplifying the process for both staff and customers.

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Google Waitlist

Ditch the paper waitlist and streamline reservations with Google integration. Customers can easily join your waitlist from anywhere, and you’ll manage seating assignments effortlessly within Milagro.

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DoorDash Drive

Expand your delivery footprint and manage orders with ease. DoorDash Drive integrates directly with Milagro, eliminating the need for separate tablets and manual order entry.



Grow your reach and streamline order management with GrubHub’s expansive customer base. Incoming orders flow directly into your Milagro system, eliminating double-entry errors and saving your team time.

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Tap into UberEats’ vast delivery network and boost your off-premises revenue. Manage order acceptance, preparation, and dispatch seamlessly through your Milagro interface.



Enhance the guest experience with Ovation’s intuitive loyalty program and CRM capabilities. Build a rich customer database within Milagro, enabling targeted marketing and personalized rewards that drive repeat business.

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Google Restaurant Reservation

Offer convenient online reservations directly through Google Search and maps. Reservations sync effortlessly with your Milagro system for optimized table management and reduced no-shows.

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Google Ordering

Turn online searches into orders. Google Ordering integration allows customers to place orders directly from their search results, streamlining the process and capturing those ready-to-order leads.



See the full financial picture. Milagro’s integration with QuickBooks provides comprehensive reporting to track profits, understand costs, and make data-driven decisions for your restaurant.



Streamline order processing and improve kitchen communication with Epson’s reliable printers. Seamlessly integrated with Milagro, reduce errors and save precious time.

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EZ Cater

Expand your customer base and streamline catering orders. EZ Cater integration eliminates manual entry, giving you time back for exceptional customer service.



Safeguard your transactions with Fiserv’s secure payment processing. Integrated with Milagro for streamlined operations and enhanced financial security.



Drive customer loyalty and boost repeat business. Integrated Givex gift cards and rewards programs keep customers engaged and coming back for more.

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Global Payments

Provide a frictionless customer payment experience. Global Payments integration offers a variety of payment options directly within the Milagro platform.

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PAX Digital Payments

Accept payments confidently and conveniently. PAX integration with Milagro ensures smooth and secure transactions for customers and staff alike.



Gain actionable insights from your payment data. The TSYS integration centralizes transaction details, empowering you to make data-driven business decisions.



Drive customer engagement and boost repeat business with Valutec’s integrated marketing platform. Manage gift cards, loyalty programs, and targeted promotions directly within Milagro for a seamless customer experience.



Unlock the power of transaction data with Verifone. Track sales patterns, personalize marketing efforts, and boost profitability within the Milagro interface.

The Power of Integrated Systems

Save Precious Time

Save Precious Time

Eliminate redundant data entry and constant app switching. Milagro’s integrations ensure real-time updates for streamlined operations.

Gain Valuable Insights

Gain Valuable Insights

Centralized customer data across platforms empowers smart decision-making and targeted marketing campaigns.

Minimize Errors

Minimize Errors

Reduce costly mistakes caused by manual data transfer between multiple systems.

Elevate Customer Experience

Elevate Customer Experience

Faster, more accurate order fulfillment and seamless reservations lead to happier, more loyal customers.